With this new Autopilot Concept Change I decided to move on from Shields build my own Barebone arduino. A bold move but necessary for the future of this project.
The major problems with is their size. Now it you don't have a problem with size and weight and Shields is for you.
But the most annoying thing about them is the fact that honing on your electronic and soldering skills is no longer expected which I feel is the biggest short change any inventor can do.
Hence came the Atmel328 microprocessor. That's right! Every Arduino Uno processing is done by one. So you might just as well get to know it. There's plenty of others but the simple interface of the Arduino IDE, makes this a breeze to program.
I need to upload the bootloader (quite easy). A quick trick to change programmer to "Arduino as ISP" and change the board type.
It's a no brainer: one Arduino Uno costs R300. Total cost of putting a working Barebone is less than
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