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Showing posts from June, 2015

Automated sprinkling system using microcontroller

So I've been working on a concept to help my garden grow from what it is now something more substantial. It's really tough on the lawns to have two busy dogs and not enough water. So eventually I decided to buy 12V solenoid valve ( which can work down to 7V) and design a PCB board with the necessary hardware. So this board has the capability of temperature and daylight. So with this, it will be able to switch the sprinkler only at optimum timers of the year. I'll upload more pics once the finished product is working. Which is hopefully the next few days.

Automated sprinkling system using microcontroller

So I've been working on a concept to help my garden grow from what it is now something more substantial. It's really tough on the lawns to have two busy dogs and not enough water. So eventually I decided to buy 12V solenoid valve ( which can work down to 7V) and design a PCB board with the necessary hardware. So this board has the capability of temperature and daylight. So with this, it will be able to switch the sprinkler only at optimum timers of the year. I'll upload more pics once the finished product is working. Which is hopefully the next few days.

It's been too long: the rat race

So it's been at least a few months since I've written updated everyone of what the next plan for this project is. I realised that not being close to an open field has really dampened my motivation to fly my concepts as often as I should. So it's quite clear that I needed to find a new way for testing my custom flight controller and even though my work has taken much of my time in general, as new approach is needed. To change, I salute you.