This post is definitely not a DIY answer the question itself full stop but rather food for thought for one who has started the journey on discovering their research tentacles and discover the topic on which day will spend at least 5000 hours all their lives. No one would tell you that academically you should think of a topic that will be based on some form of literature review.
But it's very difficult to even fathom what that even means, does it mean that based on the literature you now somehow have an expert helicopter view on everybody's research and can completely and utterly decimate their rationale for doing that particular research hence justifying your existence on why you should pursue your particular research, or does it mean that you now have complete and utter disregard for other people's work hence justifying yours once again.
So one can now ask the following questions. Can I prove that my research add to the core values that I'm trying to live by or even aspire to? Or can I prove that my topic would somehow be beneficial to the next guy who also struggles with the same internal morals that I'm willing to investigate? This may sound completely off topic but I believe it's relevant for One cannot just spend hours on the self reflection that you know what you talking about yet not realise where it will end up. That is a fundamental problem with today's Society, we tend to think we know the answer, yet we do not really address the fundamental problem and that includes doing a philosophical research or at least attempting to answer a particular question .
So the duty of the researcher to know it's audience who is the audience? What I look like? What are the references? Do they even like what you're saying? Because if they don't know what you're saying, there will definitely what you're writing.
The understanding that one can only start writing or even experimenting, in my case specifically karma is just as presumptions and ok testicle and the very person you decide to read a newspaper and thought you could do better than the author.
So this blog is just for one to start thinking about more critically for the one that wishes to add to you mankind and that's what I believe a doctorate is all about not just some self-fulfilling desire to inflate one's social status, but a genuine desire to be part of the solution and not a problem.
Until next time...
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