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Showing posts from April, 2017

UAV HILS development - phase ONE

So part of my PhD deliverable is to develop a hardware-in-the-loop simulation model such that the entire suite of software can be tested with a high-fidelity simulation model that mimics the sensors such as the IMU and GPS units. Eventhough I've finalized the simulation model of a 2m glider, the prize is to have miniature helicopter model implemented. The following makes use of the PC only for visual aid and the rest of the simulation. Potentially, although low priority, the matlab visual could be connected to Flight Gear and visualize a 3D model as one. The use of the transmitter and receiver will only to act as control inputs which are then converted to airframe deflections.

Turning the full-time engineer into a part-time scientist

So I published a post a few days ago on attempting to write a complete conference paper in 20 hours. I must say, I didn't entirely start from scratch. I had jotted down some ideas, the content and the strategy on what to write was pretty clear in my mind. But yet, we all know that even at this point, conceiving a solid journal paper (6-page mind you) is still a considerable effort. So it came down to tools. I must say I've grown more fonder of the ShareLatex over the past few months. If it wasn't for this online Latex compiling and viewing tool and the use of Mendeley , I wouldn't be writing this post to say that pretty much completed my first journal paper since my in 2010. It's such a liberating feeling to know that I've got an opportunity to present my thoughts and ideas again. The past two days, I decided to work from home and even though I have other distractions (a two year old monkey a.k.a my son Sam), sitting in that garden and jotting do...

Personal Challenge: 20 hours to write a solid journal paper

They say that you need to have a vision for yourself. You need to have intrinsic motivation that transcends your current reality and even beyond what makes sense to others around you. I've decided to put together a control system journal paper by using just 20 hours. Wait... what!?! Yep. That's right. Why not? If you try you'll never know! A famous author once said. "It's not what the vision is, it's what the vision does." Even if I don't pull if off, or the submission is rejected and thrown into the trash, the experience will stay and boy will it motivate me to try again! Aluta Continua!

Raspberry Pi or Arduino Uno? One Simple Rule to Choose the Right Board

Here at  Make:  we see new, ingenious projects from our community every day. Many of these are made possible by the use of development boards. However, if you’re new to the subject, it can be confusing to parse out the differences between boards and the advantages of using one over another. We’ve created this super simple guide to help you get started. Then, when you’re ready check out  Arduino Uno  and  Raspberry Pi  Starter Kits, which come with all the goodies you need for your inaugural projects. Not sure you want all those peripherals yet? Start with the essentials: Grab the board of your choice and bring yourself up to speed with our  Getting Started With  series for  Arduino  and for  Raspberry Pi . Courtesy of  Tech Uni What is the difference between the two? An Arduino is a microcontroller motherboard. A microcontroller is a simple computer that can run one program at a time, over and ov...

Choosing your Ph.D topic - morals or literature?

This post is definitely not a DIY answer the question itself full stop but rather food for thought for one who has started the journey on discovering their research tentacles and discover the topic on which day will spend at least 5000 hours all their lives. No one would tell you that academically you should think of a topic that will be based on some form of literature review. But it's very difficult to even fathom what that even means, does it mean that based on the literature you now somehow have an expert helicopter view on everybody's research and can completely and utterly decimate their rationale for doing that particular research hence justifying your existence on why you should pursue your particular research, or does it mean that you now have complete and utter disregard for other people's work hence justifying yours once again. So one can now ask the following questions. Can I prove that my research add to the core values that I'm trying to live by or even...

The chase of the illusive Ph.D

So as some of you may know I've decided to bite the bullet and study for my doctor of philosophy degree. Now one may think that as a married man, and a father of a 2 year old crazy son, married to a compulsive and completely unreasonable spouse common man not even attempt to do any further studies. Yet here we are, I've managed to go over the hurdle of producing the draft of 100+ citation literature review and come with a five year plan on how I'm going to execute this monster. In the last few months, it's been evident that this is not gonna be an easy Road. The pressures of work havent subsided, Life As a Christian has taken on a few responsibilities, my sister has emigrated to Portugal leaving me to take care of my lovely mother, and my dad is obviously still requiring my help when it comes to his to his business. So given all that's it's clear that a five-year plan is very optimistic. What doesn't hurt you makes you stronger or you just Die Trying... H...

Fast communication between two arduinos

Re: fast communication between two arduinos #9 Sep 07, 2015, 05:06 pm Thanks guys, At the end I re-Checked the I2C protocol and understood it can only pass Chars ether by array or singles and managed to work with the code from here: and created my version to pass a 4 digit code and it work quite fast (less than 1ms). // Wire Master Reader int x,y; #include <Wire.h> void setup() {   Wire.begin();        // join i2c bus (address optional for master)   Serial.begin(115200);  // start serial for output } void loop() {   Wire.requestFrom(2, 6);    // request 6 bytes from slave device #2      int a =; // receive a byte as character      int b =; // receive a byte as character      int c =; // receive a byte as character      int d =; // receive a byte as character ...