Integration for a nonlinear quadcopter with flapping dynamics model into Mission Planner and Flightgear for 3D visualization
The objective for this milestone was to integrate the same model functionality developed and analyzed within the Matlab/Simulink environment into a mature environment that will be able to test most functionalities of the Flight controller software that will be flashed for real-flight testing. The decision was to either migrate the Ardupilot (in this case ArduCopter ) software into the Matlab environment or integrate the highly nonlinear quadcopter model with flapping dynamics into the Ardupilot environment. The former option would mean no easy integration with Mission Planner and the real-time sofware-in-the-loop ( SITL ) testing tool (which also includes the infrastructure to communicate with the Flightgear 3D visualization environemt, while the later with make use of singular environment although the software development effort would quite tedious and error-prone. It was chosen to go with the first option as this was thought to be lead to more mature verification method prior...